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(1 edit) (+2)

Not sure if you intend to keep working on this game. I find it quite entertaining and have played through a number of times now.

I find the early game is much more fun than the late game as the game moves more quickly.  A few easy changes could allow the game to play more smoothly as you increase the number of your islands:

- move the updates from the top left corner to appear above the islands (perhaps remove them once the island is selected so that they don't obscure the playing field, battle indicators could probably fade away after a few seconds as you already have the animation to indicate to the player that the battle happened.)

- some indicator that an island is idle (unless there is no available upgrades and already a flotilla)

-an indicator that the island has reached max population (mostly just important when there is already a flotilla, so maybe indicate with the flotilla)

A few other small changes that I think would improve the game, though may not match your vision

- tween ships after each turn rather than just changing their positions.
[Edit: Oops, just realized you do tween the ships. It's pretty fast and they are deleted early when attacking an island.]

- when possible, automatically start on a flotilla if no building upgrade has been selected (this would also help speed up late game)

-add a tech upgrade that allows queuing upgrades

- don't immediately kill extra migrants when it exceeds the population capacity of the island. Maybe, remove some each turn (perhaps as a function of how far over capacity the island is?) Or perhaps put the flotilla in the harbor with the extra migrants. This might make distant islands more useful as well.

-because upgrades and population growth are both dependent on current population size, small sized islands are dramatically under-powered. The workshop does a little to help balance this, but they remain deeply handicapped. Starting out next to only small islands can make the game pretty much unbeatable; conversely starting out near large islands can rob the game of most of its challenge. It's nice that each game is different, but it feels a little too extreme. I'm not really sure what the best solution to this would be, perhaps you could deal with it during island generation. Maybe you could make islands exist in little clusters that usually have at least one large island and several small ones to spread them out more evenly over the map. Perhaps there could be some mutually exclusive upgrades that help regardless of population size, for example instead of building a storehouse maybe you could build a blacksmith that would increase the fighting strength of your troops. In this way, on large islands it might be wise to build a storehouse,  but on small islands you could build a blacksmith. Maybe a lighthouse instead of a shipyard that increases the view distance of that island (and/or gives information about the destination of enemy ships)? If you add this, it might be a good idea to allow the deconstruction of upgrades.

-perhaps allow a few more starting teams?

A couple bugs I've noticed

- When a ship is going to attack an island on the turn, but the island becomes captured before the ship can attack, the ship becomes stuck and simply sits at the island's harbor for the rest of the game. If the ship is en route to the island when the island is captured, there is no problem.

- Less annoying bug, when you have an  island selected, and reinforcements arrive the population display isn't updated until you click away and click back.

-A couple of times I've encountered a problem where the progress bar for building a flotilla doesn't update, but I don't know how to reproduce it.

[Edit: -when holding shift, and clicking next turn, the info isn't updated. For example, if an outpost is completed.]

Again, very nice game. You have done a good job.


This has some kind of bug that when I conquer an enemy island,the suposed reenforcement enemy ship (that was gonna reenforce that island)just stays there by the island shores not moving nor anything.


There's literally no reacheable island aside from those 3...

It means you don't need to worry about invasion :)


Well that nice compared to 1 time where i couldnt see any of them but they both can get to me

If they see you, but not vice versa, it means they are more advanced in seafaring than you. You just need to wait for the right technology to pop up for you. Judging by the turn count on your screenshot the map is just wrong. I don't check for such cases, didn't even expect it was possible.

Well in that round i been getting plenty of islands that were around but by time the time i notice them they both rushed at me


Is this game playable on an iPad? I can seem to do anything, I can tap on islands but nothing happen

Apparently it's unstable on tablets atm (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't), has changed something. I'll try to fix it.


Well their an error their if a double ko happens well game stuck like that



I made it first try. LITTERALY


l made it! Nice game, dope. I need more! Do you have more?


The game is really fun. I only missed some indication that the city is idle. I didn't like to constantly watch the notifications in the top. Also a minor graphic improvement could be to add a wall graphic in the battles.


I spent a lot of time playing this game and I didn't got bored after two hours of gameplay, quite the opossite, I was enjoying it.


Cool game!

I wish there was a way to skip or speed up the fights




Always focus on Research, fellas!

Only use your first island to colonise.

New colony build order: Wall -> Monument.

Prioritise big islands and game.

Attack only when on significantly higher tech level.

Don't prioritise colonising fast. That's what worked for me! It took me a LOT of tries to get this screen :)

Excellent game, can't wait for the remake! Super addicting!!!


It took quite a lot of trial and error, but I eventually prevented any ties, and won the game. Simple, but engaging :) thanks Watabou !


I'm going to remake it with slightly nicer visuals and without that "tie bug" :)


sounds great :) I'll definitely be back to replay it when that happens <3


there should be a tutorial, i don't know how to move and such, it looks like a great game, but no info on how to play, simply saying it would be easy

(2 edits)

When you select an island which has a shipyard, the "Build flotilla" button is displayed. Click it to build a "flotilla". Once the flotilla is ready, you can transfer people from this island to another island (to colonize an empty one or to capture an enemy one). After that the flotilla is exhausted and you'll need to build a new one. There is a tiny ship shown next to an island which has a flotilla ready.

It's just a jam game, a week is barely enough to make it work, let alone to implement a tutorial :)


Good game!! ;) But when the result of an attack is draw... the game crashed... maybe if the result is draw, you can make the isle uninhabited


The short "BOOM" when a Siege Flotilla and Castle fought killed everyone. Without a clear victor the game froze.


Same thing just happened to me. Only had one place left to take over too. :(


Same shit. Game is great, but now i never complete it. But i want to see hm... extended version :D


Yay! Back in the game after a while, this time without bugs)

Really neat game. however, I sorta need the flotilla building for the enemy AI to be longer. I had more then 6 flotillas after me after I played for about half an hour. Think you can adjust that?

Ok, I'll consider adding "easy mode" with AI enemies nerfed.

(1 edit) (+1)

Managed to somehow get a draw when a siege flotilla and a castle collided. I could end turns but not remove the empty battle field from the middle of my screen... effectively lost because I could no longer manage the islands I could see, let alone the ones I couldn't. Love it otherwise. Wish there was more to it, though I'm not quite sure as to what there would be.

Edit: As soon as I posted I noticed another comment that I hadn't before saying basically what I said. Will look more closely next time...


Great little game! Somehow I think I had more fun with this than with Endless Legend (fewer hours though :D ).


Amazing minigame. I was having so much fun until i managed to pull a combat with "draw game" and battle scene was broken. Before combat few soldiers were dying and both side killed eachother with that..


wow i wasnt expecting to spend my whole evening on this lol

The MoO vibe is real. Nice one! 


Fun game, add a bit more to it and it would probably sell.


This is the good stuff.


this game is fun


been coming back to play this game every week

Played again today and won! What a great game!

One suggestion, maybe make it a bit easier to attack than having to click your island, then transfer, then their island, then invade. It's ok when you're planning one or two attacks, but when you're trying to orchestrate 10-15 attacks at once, it becomes a little tedious.

(2 edits) (+1)

Found a glitch. If the enemies and defenders of an island all die at the same time, you can't exit the fight screen, or progress any further in the game.
Fun game though, I enjoyed it.

EDIT: Oh, looks like frshhh found it first!

Very nice. I think the mechanics are simple enough that it could be really fun in real time. That would also make the end game more enjoyable in that more action would translate into a really hectic exciting warzone instead of a tedious series of battle screens. Anyways, I really enjoyed it!


I attacked an island that had a castle with my siege flotilla and we both wiped each other out on the initial attack. This made the attack screen bug out and stayed there meaning I couldn't click anything... I could "end turn" by pressing return but I still couldn't do anything else.

I just spent an hour playing/beating this. Great job!


I really loved it! I included it in my ProcJam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :)

I also included it in an article of my favorites :)

This was really fun! It reminded me of k240 on the amiga.

Thanks! I haven't played k240 and for me Master of Orion (the first one) was the source of inspiration. But judging by the little info I could find these two have much in common.

Played a single game of 40+ minutes and finally managed to eradicate the Gothi; it was really satisfying and felt well-balanced to me (until I got the upperhand in Tech level). Good job on your game!

Is there a win condition, or some kind of dialogue when you beat the AI though? Nothing appeared when I conquered the last island on the map, and I cannot expand my field of view further.


Thanks for the comment!

In each game there are 2 enemy tribes, so it looks like in your case one of them has been spawned on an unreachable cluster of islands, sorry. I considered such situation too unlikely to check for it, but it seems I was wrong.

Yes, there is a win condition: both your opponents have to lose all their islands (you don't need to colonize every island). You will be shown a clumsy "Victory" popup :)

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