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Works quite well on mobile until I try to open the tags menu. Not sure if it's something you can fix but would be super Handy 😊

You mean the Tags window is too large for a mobile screen?

(2 edits) (+1)

Now thats a perfect tool.

Is it possible to add fixed cell size for SVG exports? 

Could come very handy for VTT imports and as someone mentioned for mix and match several dungeons in one big dungeon in SVG editor.

Maybe. Using SVG with VTT doesn't seem very common to me, though.


Sure, it can be just mine specific use case and i definitely can go with PNG.

And i'd like to appreciate all your works on procgen - those are just simple perfect!


Can you possibly add a button or some GUI to allow us to manually rotate the map? 

I use this alot for grabbing some rooms from one generation and other rooms from another generation and sometimes the shadows don't match up, if i was able to rotate it the shadows would be uniform.

Great tool either way!

I'll think about it, although your use case is probably too uncommon. For now you can try disabling the shadows (Layers > Shadow or via the Style dialog).

Complete noob to this, but can someone explain how to save generated dungeons with all the notes to my files?  When I export, all I get is the dungeon, no area descriptions.

You need to choose Save as PNG (not Export as > PNG...) to get the image with all the notes.


This is gonna sound ultra newbie - but... how do I print this so that each square is 1 inch long? Can someone help me out?

(1 edit)

I haven't tried it myself, but in theory it should work like this: choose Export as > PNG... in the context menu, enter some reasonably high value in the dialog (or leave the default 70) and then print the resulting png file with DPI equal to that value you entered.

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