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hi there, I’ve made a small donation as I love this program. I use it just about every day to play a quick solo d&d game

Is it possible to download the individual rooms and corridors so I can create a dungeon myself?

Sorry, that's not possible. There are no such things as individual rooms or corridors, no pre-made assets that could be extracted. Everything is created on the fly and drawn as part of the whole dungeon.


No worries, thanks for the reply 


Okay here's a technical question for you on your "non doors" code.  I thought I had this particular door case cracked but maybe not.

My approach was to draw these doors using two rectangles. In this example, my left rectangle would just emulate the corridor. The shape fill is the same color as the floor and the right side line is the same as the walls.

Then I was going to draw a second rectangle for the right side but realised it needs to be transparent (or something) to display the hatching underneath BUT also not show the corridor.

Can you please go into a little bit of detail in terms of the door algorithm you used to achieve this. Am I on the right track?


Also whats the smarts / thinking behind bits of rubble etc. I freaking love it.

In this case there is only one left rectangle. There is no right rectangle (which should be the same as having a transparent right rectangle if you need it for some reason), so the hatching is not obscured. There is no explicit corridor underneath all this, so I don't need to care about showing/not showing it. The whole cell is a corridor and a door at the same time.

Thanks bro. In my code I draw one door and rotate it depending on its properties in the json:

door.dir.x is horizontal (left or right facing)
door.dir.y is vertical (up or down facing)

So if you were to turn doors off in your code, is this sort of what you'd expect a map to look like?

To achieve something that even closely resembles what you you have made I need to draw doors over the walls that mask what . It's a pain but I also love learning this stuff.

Anywho. The more I tinker with this, the more admirable I find your attention to detail and the skill needed to pull it all off elegantly. Even the Dyson hatching and the seed generation method. Hot dang it's cool. I'm guessing you're an old school Flash Dev :)


Hey waabou. Greetings and hope you're well. 

A question. Could you add support for ?notes=off to the request string? 

For some reason adding ?notes=off actually seems to work on Firefox SOMETIMES but not all the time and I have no idea why. Ideally there is a way for me a way to download the dungeon png without notes + the json for the same dungeon.,small,square,cramped&export=png

Hi Dan!

The "notes" parameter (or anything of this kind) is not currently supported. The last selected notes mode is saved locally, so it may sort of "work" in one browser but not in another - you have selected different modes in different browsers. If you need to download maps without notes, all you have to do is to select "Notes > Off" once and that's it. No more notes until you changed it.

Thanks man. This would be quite a nifty feature for me but its not really necessary :-)


I was wondering what is the maximum width/height for each dungeon size (small, medium, large)?

There is no maximum width/height. Small, medium and large refer to the number of rooms.

Interesting!  Is there a range for the number of rooms for each dungeon size?

  • Small: 3-6 rooms
  • Medium: 6-12 rooms
  • Large: 12-25 rooms

Excellent generators! Thanks for the hard work and allowing the free use of your products. I just hate that it refreshes with a tap. I had a map I really wanted, tapped the screen to try to save it, and that refreshed it, map gone forever! I'll have to be more careful...

(1 edit)

The generator is not optimised for mobiles. The idea was that you wouldn't be able to do much on a small screen anyway, so the only easily accessible operation  is the most important one - generating a new map.


Thanks for another tool. I love all the ones you created.


Could we have larger dungeon maps with more rooms?  Maybe a Huge, Enormous, Labyrinth settings ?

Is there any chance of having a multi-level version? So stairs down on one level align with stairs up on the next.


What does alignment mean when two levels have different shapes? For example, how can you know that these two levels are not aligned:



I'm working on a similar project to this, in hope of better understanding procedural generation. Would it be at all possible for you to share roughly how this algorithm works, or just some general techniques? My apologies if not. 


There are many algorithms for dungeon generation. This one is my own invention and as such it's not exactly elegant. Its advantage is that it can produce maps that look kind of human-made, because they are they are "partly symmetrical". Here is how it works:

  • First we create a "root" room. Every room incl. this one has an origin/entrance.
  • Until some end condition is reached (e.g. we've spawned enough rooms), we pick one of the rooms and add symmetrical children to it: two on both sides from the entrance, one on the opposite end from the entrance or both (three children).
  • This way we get a symmetrical tree of connected rooms. Perfect symmetry doesn't look good, so occasionally we spawn children rooms unsymmetrically - of different sizes or just one to the side from entrance etc.
  • This gives us a "partly symmetrical" map, but it's still a tree and a decent map needs loops, so we add some loops by connecting adjacent room, adding tunnels etc.

That's it. There are some nuances to make it work and more nuances to make it work adequately, but that's the idea.


I am working on a rule lite RPG system for could I add a QR code to your GitHub for Procgen Arcana? (with credit of course) I would like to 1. use the fantasy city/village generator for the worldbuilding in the book and 2. suggest the dungeon/cave generator for GM's using the system



Thank you, you are making some great tools for GMs and game devs

(1 edit) (+1)

Have you considered some form of api for this and other projects?

I don't it's possible since all my generators are purely client-side applications.

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