I guess the problem is not with using black for paper, but with using close colors for both "paper" and "ink". Blackboard palette from the Patreon post:
Pretty cool but would much more adpatable with VTT support for doors and walls (like dungeondraft to foundry and encounter plus). Very fun anyway though.
Yes! This as a FoundryVTT Module, could drop in walls/doors, even light sources maybe. A companion Module to quick pupulate with CR specific monsters... instant adventure. Brilliant.
Great project, awesome! how hard would it be to either export or save the seed values for a particular layout? I will often generate 6 or 8 different layouts and choose the one I like best from them. It would be very handy if I could go 'back' to look at the previous layout -either because it stores keys for the last X generations-. Being able to see/save/export those keys would be VERY helpful for that and other uses as well. Thanks again
This is very promising. I wish we could use it to generate larger maps and edit the notes. :) Like adding number of rooms etc... manually adding trap icons etc...
Also adding this website(and your name) on the bottom right of the map would be good for leaving credit that can be found if people post them online.
I am planning to add a way to influence the generation (to specify the size, the amount of passages etc). But at this moment I am not planning to turn it into an editor.
I was planning on using this with RPG Map Editor II, but I can't seem to export without the notes - even when I toggle them off and save as json, when I import they're visible again.. Is there a way to permanently disable notes when exporting or generate without them?
Has the source code been released for this yet? Is there a way to get it. I’m really interested in how some of the layouts and connections are generated.
Yes, please! These dungeon layouts look so good. I'd love to implement something like this in my top-down dungeon crawler. Right now my layouts are atrocious. :(
I LOVE this generator. I wish to use a few maps designed from it for my gaming group, but I'll need to name and note the areas myself in photoshop after exporting the map without notes and titles to .png format. As such, I'd like to ask what fonts are used for the Title and description as well as the room numbering and notes? I'm hoping to be able to use the exact fonts in photoshop when I add my custom notes and such.
It would be cool if you could export it into a 3D place, so I can add it into a 3D game or something like that. Or export it as a ray caster like EXE. So it would be a small file type, and also not a lot of coding
What you have done here is wonderful! I might suggest adding the total grid size for easy import into services like roll 20. It's a pain to get both grids to line up without knowing the dimensions. None the less excellent job
Making note text editable is easy, but then it would be reasonable to expect an ability to add/move/remove notes and that's a much more complex feature to implement.
Hi! I'll be ready to release the source code when I'm done with project. In this sense, I'm definitely closer than I used to be, but I'm not there yet :) What part of the code are you interested in? The one about rooms/tunnels/doors?
Mostly yes. Our users are kids learning game dev and it's hard for them to understand what 'a good level' is. This shows them and gets them thinking about spatial design and level design.
Hello, this is a really great tool. I am developing (alone) a small rpg program to manage a party and maps. I can generate my own maps but it would be very interesting to import your background and build the walls/doors by parsing your JSON. The JSONpart is already done, I can create the walls and the doors from it, but I have a problem with the exported image. I cannot find the tile size, it varies on each exported image and I need to know it because the characters move on tiles. Do you have any clue about this ? Again, thanks a lot for this tool.
This is awesome! Thank you for your hard work on this project. I like all of your work and am trying to reproduce this in Unity at the moment. Unfortunately I still have to travel a lot is there an offline version of this generator?
Great tool! The only thing I don't like is the grid scale, and I'm trying to see if there's an easy way around that (I think I figured out an easy reproducible workflow in GIMP), but I would also love to have the option to change the grid density!
Well... At the exported size, squares are 85px in size, which makes it a little bit hard to tile automatically in GIMP (since so far I haven't figure out how to make a 42.5 px grid). What I do is I make an 85 pixel grid and then I copy and offet it a couple times. The resulting squares are "irregular" by one pixel, but they line up across the whole map (which isn't the case for 42px squares). 84px per square would be a great size (easily divided by 2 or 3). Thanks for your reply!
It's more complicated. The size of the square depends on the dimensions of the dungeon and it is chosen to maximize the resolution of the exported map. Since it's a popular request I think eventually I'll allow to specify the exact size of a cell.
Hey this map tool is super cool! One thing that seems to be an issue is the import for RPG Map Editor II. I think they made some breaking changes in their current update, not sure if that is something on your radar or not.
I'll totally be using this in an upcoming West Marches style game!
Absolutely fantastic little generator, a gem! But - could it be possible to set the PNG output to a specific pixels per square resolution? Right now it seems to output at some totally random resolution. This makes it really hard to align to a grid in a VTT. Having options like 50, 70, 100, 140 would be great; but if you want to pick just one I think 100px/square would be fine for most.
The resolution is not random, it is the maximum resolution I can do (without much tinkering). In the future I'll try to implement something close to what you request. Cheers!
Hey bro, I really like the generator you made. Really top class. I would like to know if there is any chance of making this a unity package or an open source git repo for the source code so that other implementations can be made of it?
Unity is not my thing, and the source code in Haxe will be made available later when I decide I don't want to keep working on it. In case you are interested in the hatching (not dungeons) there is a post about how it works.
No worries bro. Whenever or if ever you do decide to release the source code. I won't mind having a look at it. I use Unity myself. I just thought if the source code is available I could attempt to convert it into a unity package. In the meantime I'll be looking at the link you sent and this Haxe thingy.
Hi, I downloaded a map in JSON format by pressing J, and then tried opening it up in RPG Map Editor II, and it doesn't draw any walls. Do you think this is an issue with One Page Dungeon, or with RPG Map Editor II? I believe it might have something to do with the "really big update" RPG Map Editor II just received.
Hm... indeed. As far as I remember I didn't change anything about exporting and those jsons still work with Mipui, so yeah, it looks like it's Map Editor's issue.
you know how your able to kinda customize the size and what type of buildings you have in the medieval fantasy city generator would you be able to add something like that to one page dungeon where you can choose the size of the dungeon and other stuff like how close the rooms are, if you want a lot of corridors or if you want circular room
First, sorry about my English, I'm using the google translator.
Secondly, I have to say that I am really impressed by your work. I started programming last month, so I still have a lot, a lot, to learn. So when I see your projects I get instantlyfascinated, great work!
The thing is: due to the quarantine, my friends and I are going to make an online role playing table and your tools helped me a lot to build the campaign. But this specific tool will not be used for our current session because it is not possible to select the number of rooms and, as much as I refresh I cannot find one that resembles my initial idea.. And I know I'm taking advantage of your goodwill, forgive me for that, but if you added the option of selecting the number of rooms and dragging them afterwards this tool would be one of the most incredible things that has ever appeared in the world of rpg. As I am still a beginner in programming I do not know if it is very difficult to leave the current version for one with the suggestions I gave, but your work motivated me to go after it and find out how it is done. Anyway thank you very much for these tools they are excellent.
Eventually this generator will get customization (but not editing) options. Meantime you can try one of the editors mentioned in description. Or any other editor of course, I am not advertising :)
← Return to generator
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It gets weird if you try to use black paper color. The context menu can get unreadable.
I guess the problem is not with using black for paper, but with using close colors for both "paper" and "ink". Blackboard palette from the Patreon post:
Well it seems quite obvious when you put it that way! Yes I think that must have been what I tried.
its cool
Pretty cool but would much more adpatable with VTT support for doors and walls (like dungeondraft to foundry and encounter plus). Very fun anyway though.
Yes! This as a FoundryVTT Module, could drop in walls/doors, even light sources maybe. A companion Module to quick pupulate with CR specific monsters... instant adventure. Brilliant.
YES. So very this. I would LOVE the ability to just gen a dungeon, and start running it in a few minutes. That would be awesome.
Please add option for multiple stair cases & entrances. Only having a single entrance really sucks when running multi level dungeons.
You know, you could probably just copy the stairs and paste them elsewhere.
Great project, awesome! how hard would it be to either export or save the seed values for a particular layout? I will often generate 6 or 8 different layouts and choose the one I like best from them. It would be very handy if I could go 'back' to look at the previous layout -either because it stores keys for the last X generations-. Being able to see/save/export those keys would be VERY helpful for that and other uses as well. Thanks again
This is very promising. I wish we could use it to generate larger maps and edit the notes. :) Like adding number of rooms etc... manually adding trap icons etc...
Also adding this website(and your name) on the bottom right of the map would be good for leaving credit that can be found if people post them online.
Could it be possible to add a way to change the dungeon manually or influence the generation?
I am planning to add a way to influence the generation (to specify the size, the amount of passages etc). But at this moment I am not planning to turn it into an editor.
I was planning on using this with RPG Map Editor II, but I can't seem to export without the notes - even when I toggle them off and save as json, when I import they're visible again.. Is there a way to permanently disable notes when exporting or generate without them?
The generator exports all the data it has including hidden notes. Doesn't the editor have its own option to hide all notes?
try opening the json data in a json editor
Has the source code been released for this yet? Is there a way to get it. I’m really interested in how some of the layouts and connections are generated.
Yes, please! These dungeon layouts look so good. I'd love to implement something like this in my top-down dungeon crawler. Right now my layouts are atrocious. :(
This looks wonderful! Are the art assets all original, or are they taken from somewhere?
Thank you. There are no assets, everything is procedurally generated.
It might just be my computer being major BUNK, but i cannot get it to start, it's just a black screen.
Edit: nvm it literally just started as i posted this
I LOVE this generator. I wish to use a few maps designed from it for my gaming group, but I'll need to name and note the areas myself in photoshop after exporting the map without notes and titles to .png format. As such, I'd like to ask what fonts are used for the Title and description as well as the room numbering and notes? I'm hoping to be able to use the exact fonts in photoshop when I add my custom notes and such.
These ones:
It would be cool if you could export it into a 3D place, so I can add it into a 3D game or something like that. Or export it as a ray caster like EXE. So it would be a small file type, and also not a lot of coding
Very nice.
Will there ever be a EXE version of this Generator?
What you have done here is wonderful! I might suggest adding the total grid size for easy import into services like roll 20. It's a pain to get both grids to line up without knowing the dimensions. None the less excellent job
Thank you! I'm currently working on a feature which (hopefully) should make importing maps into Roll20 easier.
This is awesome! It would be cool if notes were editable as well.
Thank you!
Making note text editable is easy, but then it would be reasonable to expect an ability to add/move/remove notes and that's a much more complex feature to implement.
Hello. I’m wondering whether you’re any closer to releasing the source code. I’d like to integrate it into our game builder Gamefroot 🙏
Hi! I'll be ready to release the source code when I'm done with project. In this sense, I'm definitely closer than I used to be, but I'm not there yet :) What part of the code are you interested in? The one about rooms/tunnels/doors?
Mostly yes. Our users are kids learning game dev and it's hard for them to understand what 'a good level' is. This shows them and gets them thinking about spatial design and level design.
And its just cool!
How bout some egresses and extra stairs for MEGA DUNGEEEONS!
Very cool!
Absolutely love it!
It would be very nice if there was an option to add additional entrances / staircases however.
Hello, this is a really great tool. I am developing (alone) a small rpg program to manage a party and maps. I can generate my own maps but it would be very interesting to import your background and build the walls/doors by parsing your JSON. The JSONpart is already done, I can create the walls and the doors from it, but I have a problem with the exported image. I cannot find the tile size, it varies on each exported image and I need to know it because the characters move on tiles. Do you have any clue about this ? Again, thanks a lot for this tool.
I did not see the post below before writing this, so it would be cool to have a fixed tile size. Thanks
This is insanely good!! mad props.
This is awesome! Thank you for your hard work on this project. I like all of your work and am trying to reproduce this in Unity at the moment. Unfortunately I still have to travel a lot is there an offline version of this generator?
I'll make one 👍
The page appears to be broken in the Brave browser. I uploaded a copy of the console to pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gsphX9z4
It's an issue of Brave blocking webgl content (iirc). It's too much hassle for me to install another browser to try fixing it, sorry.
Thanks for the info. It gave me some additional ideas. I found I can get the site to work if I allow fingerprinting.
Great tool!
The only thing I don't like is the grid scale, and I'm trying to see if there's an easy way around that (I think I figured out an easy reproducible workflow in GIMP), but I would also love to have the option to change the grid density!
Thanks! Are you talking about the size of the grid? It should be relatively easy to apply your own grid if you disable the built-in one first ("G").
Well... At the exported size, squares are 85px in size, which makes it a little bit hard to tile automatically in GIMP (since so far I haven't figure out how to make a 42.5 px grid). What I do is I make an 85 pixel grid and then I copy and offet it a couple times. The resulting squares are "irregular" by one pixel, but they line up across the whole map (which isn't the case for 42px squares). 84px per square would be a great size (easily divided by 2 or 3). Thanks for your reply!
It's more complicated. The size of the square depends on the dimensions of the dungeon and it is chosen to maximize the resolution of the exported map. Since it's a popular request I think eventually I'll allow to specify the exact size of a cell.
Hey this map tool is super cool! One thing that seems to be an issue is the import for RPG Map Editor II. I think they made some breaking changes in their current update, not sure if that is something on your radar or not.
I'll totally be using this in an upcoming West Marches style game!
Id like to second this. When importing, the walls don't show up
Yeah, I'll ping Sébastien (https://itch.io/post/1339772).
excellent tool
Absolutely fantastic little generator, a gem! But - could it be possible to set the PNG output to a specific pixels per square resolution? Right now it seems to output at some totally random resolution. This makes it really hard to align to a grid in a VTT. Having options like 50, 70, 100, 140 would be great; but if you want to pick just one I think 100px/square would be fine for most.
The resolution is not random, it is the maximum resolution I can do (without much tinkering). In the future I'll try to implement something close to what you request. Cheers!
Hey bro, I really like the generator you made. Really top class. I would like to know if there is any chance of making this a unity package or an open source git repo for the source code so that other implementations can be made of it?
Unity is not my thing, and the source code in Haxe will be made available later when I decide I don't want to keep working on it. In case you are interested in the hatching (not dungeons) there is a post about how it works.
No worries bro. Whenever or if ever you do decide to release the source code. I won't mind having a look at it. I use Unity myself. I just thought if the source code is available I could attempt to convert it into a unity package.
In the meantime I'll be looking at the link you sent and this Haxe thingy.
Hi, I downloaded a map in JSON format by pressing J, and then tried opening it up in RPG Map Editor II, and it doesn't draw any walls. Do you think this is an issue with One Page Dungeon, or with RPG Map Editor II? I believe it might have something to do with the "really big update" RPG Map Editor II just received.
Hm... indeed. As far as I remember I didn't change anything about exporting and those jsons still work with Mipui, so yeah, it looks like it's Map Editor's issue.
you know how your able to kinda customize the size and what type of buildings you have in the medieval fantasy city generator would you be able to add something like that to one page dungeon where you can choose the size of the dungeon and other stuff like how close the rooms are, if you want a lot of corridors or if you want circular room
First, sorry about my English, I'm using the google translator.
Secondly, I have to say that I am really impressed by your work.
I started programming last month, so I still have a lot, a lot, to learn. So when I see your projects I get instantlyfascinated, great work!
The thing is: due to the quarantine, my friends and I are going to make an online role playing table and your tools helped me a lot to build the campaign. But this specific tool will not be used for our current session because it is not possible to select the number of rooms and, as much as I refresh I cannot find one that resembles my initial idea.. And I know I'm taking advantage of your goodwill, forgive me for that, but if you added the option of selecting the number of rooms and dragging them afterwards this tool would be one of the most incredible things that has ever appeared in the world of rpg. As I am still a beginner in programming I do not know if it is very difficult to leave the current version for one with the suggestions I gave, but your work motivated me to go after it and find out how it is done. Anyway thank you very much for these tools they are excellent.
Eventually this generator will get customization (but not editing) options. Meantime you can try one of the editors mentioned in description. Or any other editor of course, I am not advertising :)
This is a lot of fun! The ability to toggle off and on a lot of the things makes these very useful to edit myself later. Thanks for the generator
If it is not too much hassle, I would appreciate an option to toggle on/off those little "corner triangles" and the cracks.
Ty for your work!
I will consider it. Probably I should hide them along with the "props"...
Anyone know of a simple map maker that I can fully control?
It depends on what "simple" means for you. Both editors mentioned in the description are simple (to use) enough.
I'm seeing an error that reads "v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net refused to connect."
Most likely it's something on your side or probably an itch's error. Please try clearing the cache.
Yeah, I figured it out. It was a VPN issue. Thanks.