Hey watabou, nice dungeon generator! I don't know how you made that but... yea. Also, really liked the customization part of the generator, it adds a lot of variety. Plus, i think that it would be great if i could download it, to, you know, don't forget about it's existence.
Hello. In the past, I have already used this tool of yours. Why is it no longer possible to change the parameters of map creation? I’m not interested in descriptions, but it seems that the only way to generate new maps is to reload the web page.
Hi. For me it works normally. Also I haven't updated this generator since last October, so it's not like a broken version was uploaded recently or something. Doesn't "New dungeon" item in the context menu work for you?
How did you get so firmly in my lazy DM head and make such an easy-to-use tool that I have been looking for, for so long? Thank you so much! Really keen to see how it grows with custom notes etc. will be checking out your patreon :)
Will it be possible to add custom notes for rooms that do not generate with a note? Or, is there already an ability to add it that I've just not discovered yet?
I love this program, thank you so very much. It would be amazing if you could generate exterior dungeons, like clearings in a dense underbrush or something like that. With trees and such.
I absolutely love this map generator. It's exactly what I need to generate a quick dungeon and spark some quest ideas for my Dungeon World campaign. Are there any plans to do caves and other types of dungeon themes?
Yeah that's pretty much all that I meant. A different visual look option, more organic. Rougher more twisty walls and less angled passageways, stalagmites, chasms, pits, underground cave networks possibly breaking through a portion of a standard dungeon, more of a subterranean theme with cave fauna and flora. Just a thought.
Would be amazing if you did an Urban thing, where you could generate a street (with connecting homes) or a Tavern. Not to mention exterior dungeons with Underbrush and Trees. Doesn't have to be really chaotic.. just like larger corridors that are not necessarily entirely straight. You know like a 3tile wide "corridor" of which some are blocked out by bushes or debris, to give dungeons a more "crumbled" feel. Some vine tiles and such, to have vegetation growing into the dungeon. It could be a layer, like water. To have mushrooms and growth.
Hi Frak, sorry for posting this message here but I tried your email and I think you are not getting it, and it seems I have no way to contact you directly on itch io. I need your phone nr. to ship your package (Lantern magazine). Thanks, Andrea (Ganesha Games).
You can change the color of the grid in the Palette dialog but this will change the color of everything: https://itch.io/post/2131958. Do you need specifically the color of the grid to be different from everything else? Like when the whole map is b&w and the grid is red?
This is perfect! All the other random dungeon tools I've found (Donjon, Dungen) have been really clunky, repetitive and awkward to use. This has a great selection of options and is quick to export and add to my game. Thank you SO MUC H for your work <3 It's greatly appreciated
I love it, would you consider after the fact "edits" ? like I want to use it for DM for some homebrew campaign, love the initial randomness, but sometimes I'd like to tweak (remove a room, add an entrance, ...)
People ask about it a lot, but there is no easy way to implement it. You can try to export a map as json and import it into one of editors supporting such json's (RPG Map Editor, Mipui).
This is really fantastic. Can I suggest a feature - it would be cool when we could give numbers for the total page size in squares 25x25 etc. so it would be easier to put the map in any VTT. Or at least show the page size on the map.
I'm trying to integrate the JSON maps into my game's dungeon editor. It would be way easier for me if the rooms/corridors were more explicit in the data structure. It is a challenge to programmatically deduct what rectangle represents a corridor or a room (except for rooms with notes).
Also, I would love to have access to the sources, do you plan to release them? .
I'm not planning to open the source, not while I'm still developing the generator, sorry.
In my code rooms and corridors are represented by the same class Room, that's why there is no explicit flag in JSON:
public inline function isCorridor():Bool return ((w == 3 && h > 3) || (h == 3 && w > 3));
public inline function isJunction():Bool return (w == 3 && h == 3);
Just found this tool. Man, that's awesome, so simple and easy to use. Love how also the notes, the small title and description are random. This gives so much inspiration. I've noticed that it's a bit slow the tool, but I hope you'll solve this problem. Also, what font have you used for notes and titles?
Is it a regular mouse or some fancy one-button Apple mouse? For me right click activates the context menu normally in both Chrome and Safari. There is no other way to do it, sorry.
Macs have a couple of ways to right-click, you can either hold control and click or if have a trackpad (such as with a macbook laptop) you can do a two fingered click and that will perform the "right click"
Hello. I've messaged you a few times previously (6 months ago). Can we please work together to integrate this with our platform Gamefroot. Can I email you or DM you on twitter? I'd love to have a chat.
In other news... thanks for the update. It's swell!!!
I'm sorry, at some point I've missed a bunch of messages including yours and it's only now I have a chance to reply them. Feel free to DM me on Twitter, but to be honest I don't think any kind of collaboration is possible at this moment. The source code is still closed (since I'm still working on it) and I'm too busy with this and other projects to do anything else. Of course, I don't know what you have on your mind so...
I guess the problem is not with using black for paper, but with using close colors for both "paper" and "ink". Blackboard palette from the Patreon post:
Pretty cool but would much more adpatable with VTT support for doors and walls (like dungeondraft to foundry and encounter plus). Very fun anyway though.
Yes! This as a FoundryVTT Module, could drop in walls/doors, even light sources maybe. A companion Module to quick pupulate with CR specific monsters... instant adventure. Brilliant.
← Return to generator
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Hey watabou, nice dungeon generator! I don't know how you made that but... yea. Also, really liked the customization part of the generator, it adds a lot of variety. Plus, i think that it would be great if i could download it, to, you know, don't forget about it's existence.
Excellent tool, thanks for this.
sorry if this is a stupid question, i am stupid, but where do I install or use this?
right click on the image, and you will see the context menu
You don't need to install it, it runs in your browser.
ok now i see what it is thank you for helping me figure it out
Hi Watbou,
Any update on posting the source on github.com or ?
It would be great for me to contribute to the project.
Hello. In the past, I have already used this tool of yours. Why is it no longer possible to change the parameters of map creation? I’m not interested in descriptions, but it seems that the only way to generate new maps is to reload the web page.
Hi. For me it works normally. Also I haven't updated this generator since last October, so it's not like a broken version was uploaded recently or something. Doesn't "New dungeon" item in the context menu work for you?
No :/
That's weird. Could you check your browser console? Are there any messages about errors or something?
Try right-clicking on the map to get the menu up?
How did you get so firmly in my lazy DM head and make such an easy-to-use tool that I have been looking for, for so long?
Thank you so much! Really keen to see how it grows with custom notes etc. will be checking out your patreon :)
it's nice but I don't understand the point of the game or how to win(can you even win??)
You can't win because it's not a game :)
holup, I know you, we talked about a thing in patient rogue, hey, also then what's the point of this umm...program
People use it for generating dungeons for their tabletop games.
k, thanks, have a good day
Is there a way to import these to donjon for dungeon stocking purposes?
These dungeons can be exported as json, but as far as I know only a couple of editors can import them.
Loving it. I remember the old Irony Games Dungeon
creator, this is, in my opinion better.
Will it be possible to add custom notes for rooms that do not generate with a note?
Or, is there already an ability to add it that I've just not discovered yet?
There is no such feature, but probably I will add it in the next update.
I love this program, thank you so very much. It would be amazing if you could generate exterior dungeons, like clearings in a dense underbrush or something like that. With trees and such.
Having bigger doors and corridors on spacious dungeons would be a great addition. The generator is great.
Simply the most elegant dungeon generator I've seen. I could sit here forever generating layouts! Excellent work.
Can you just number the rooms so I can write my own notes?
You can hide generated notes and number the rooms you need for your own notes.
is there a way to export the notes as well as the map when you export to PNG/JSON? other than that i'm loving it :)
I absolutely love this map generator. It's exactly what I need to generate a quick dungeon and spark some quest ideas for my Dungeon World campaign. Are there any plans to do caves and other types of dungeon themes?
Yeah, but caves will be the same dungeons with rougher walls, not like something really chaotic. What other themes do you have in mind?
Yeah that's pretty much all that I meant. A different visual look option, more organic. Rougher more twisty walls and less angled passageways, stalagmites, chasms, pits, underground cave networks possibly breaking through a portion of a standard dungeon, more of a subterranean theme with cave fauna and flora. Just a thought.
Would be amazing if you did an Urban thing, where you could generate a street (with connecting homes) or a Tavern. Not to mention exterior dungeons with Underbrush and Trees. Doesn't have to be really chaotic.. just like larger corridors that are not necessarily entirely straight. You know like a 3tile wide "corridor" of which some are blocked out by bushes or debris, to give dungeons a more "crumbled" feel. Some vine tiles and such, to have vegetation growing into the dungeon. It could be a layer, like water. To have mushrooms and growth.
Hi Frak, sorry for posting this message here but I tried your email and I think you are not getting it, and it seems I have no way to contact you directly on itch io. I need your phone nr. to ship your package (Lantern magazine). Thanks, Andrea (Ganesha Games).
No worries. I emailed it to staff@ganeshagames.net
Simply amazing. Thank you!
This is really great absolutely love it!
If I could suggest one feature though it would be the ability to have more than 1 entrance/exit stair case.
+1. Apologies, posted this same suggestion before I saw Raginsystem's post.
This is one of if not the best things I've seen, perfect for quick level designing
great for any RPG addict
I have to say, all the stuff you do is incredible.
You can change the color of the grid in the Palette dialog but this will change the color of everything: https://itch.io/post/2131958. Do you need specifically the color of the grid to be different from everything else? Like when the whole map is b&w and the grid is red?
Could be really nice to have a not filter in tags. Actually, we can force a tag but for others it takes randomly unselected ones.
Really nice job you did there :D
You have no idea how much time and effort this generator has saved me on level design. Thank you.
This is perfect! All the other random dungeon tools I've found (Donjon, Dungen) have been really clunky, repetitive and awkward to use. This has a great selection of options and is quick to export and add to my game. Thank you SO MUC H for your work <3 It's greatly appreciated
would be nice to be able to go back to previously generated dungeons
There will be something like this in the next version.
I love it, would you consider after the fact "edits" ? like I want to use it for DM for some homebrew campaign, love the initial randomness, but sometimes I'd like to tweak (remove a room, add an entrance, ...)
People ask about it a lot, but there is no easy way to implement it. You can try to export a map as json and import it into one of editors supporting such json's (RPG Map Editor, Mipui).
This is really fantastic. Can I suggest a feature - it would be cool when we could give numbers for the total page size in squares 25x25 etc. so it would be easier to put the map in any VTT. Or at least show the page size on the map.
Generating a dungeon of a specific size is harder than it sounds (with the algorithm I use). I'll try to find a place for the page size somewhere 👍
Awesome tool!
I'm trying to integrate the JSON maps into my game's dungeon editor. It would be way easier for me if the rooms/corridors were more explicit in the data structure. It is a challenge to programmatically deduct what rectangle represents a corridor or a room (except for rooms with notes).
Also, I would love to have access to the sources, do you plan to release them? .
Have a nice day!
I'm not planning to open the source, not while I'm still developing the generator, sorry.
In my code rooms and corridors are represented by the same class Room, that's why there is no explicit flag in JSON:
Thank you for your answer, I was able to properly process the json, I will add your page to the credits!
Just found this tool. Man, that's awesome, so simple and easy to use. Love how also the notes, the small title and description are random. This gives so much inspiration. I've noticed that it's a bit slow the tool, but I hope you'll solve this problem. Also, what font have you used for notes and titles?
The fonts are Neuton and Grenze.
Also, just to know, where did you find the decorations for the generator, the fountain, the little rocks and other props?
Everything in this generator is drawn procedurally, neither bitmap nor vector assets are used. Except fonts of course.
Wow, that's impressive! What about the names of the dungeons and the creatures? I love so much this tool, every dungeon seems so unique and special!
Those are made of random parts like this:
Of course, there are more parts and much more options for each part.
using a mac and right click doesn't get me the context menu. any help would be great -- much thanks.
Is it a regular mouse or some fancy one-button Apple mouse? For me right click activates the context menu normally in both Chrome and Safari. There is no other way to do it, sorry.
It's a GD one click mac mouse. But I might have a right click one somewhere and try to use that. Thanks for getting back to me.
Macs have a couple of ways to right-click, you can either hold control and click or if have a trackpad (such as with a macbook laptop) you can do a two fingered click and that will perform the "right click"
when i right click i don't get the context menu. is there another way to find it?
Can someone please tell me how to access the 'context menu' Ive been looking for it for over an hour lol
right click
Hello. I've messaged you a few times previously (6 months ago). Can we please work together to integrate this with our platform Gamefroot. Can I email you or DM you on twitter? I'd love to have a chat.
In other news... thanks for the update. It's swell!!!
I'm sorry, at some point I've missed a bunch of messages including yours and it's only now I have a chance to reply them. Feel free to DM me on Twitter, but to be honest I don't think any kind of collaboration is possible at this moment. The source code is still closed (since I'm still working on it) and I'm too busy with this and other projects to do anything else. Of course, I don't know what you have on your mind so...
I can't DM you. Can you please follow @danmilward :)
Realy helpfull for new DMs, Thank You.
It would be amazing if you could pick the number of entrances/exits (up or down) This is just really amazing
I love how you describe elements of each room. Thanks.
The new updates are great, thank you!
I would still love a SVG though
Love the stonework style
I think this will be the next thing I'll try to implement for this generator 👍
It gets weird if you try to use black paper color. The context menu can get unreadable.
I guess the problem is not with using black for paper, but with using close colors for both "paper" and "ink". Blackboard palette from the Patreon post:
Well it seems quite obvious when you put it that way! Yes I think that must have been what I tried.
its cool
Pretty cool but would much more adpatable with VTT support for doors and walls (like dungeondraft to foundry and encounter plus). Very fun anyway though.
Yes! This as a FoundryVTT Module, could drop in walls/doors, even light sources maybe. A companion Module to quick pupulate with CR specific monsters... instant adventure. Brilliant.
YES. So very this. I would LOVE the ability to just gen a dungeon, and start running it in a few minutes. That would be awesome.