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Absolutely fantastic little generator, a gem! But - could it be possible to set the PNG output to a specific pixels per square resolution? Right now it seems to output  at some totally random resolution. This makes it really hard to align to a grid in a VTT. Having options like 50, 70, 100, 140 would be great; but if you want to pick just one I think 100px/square would be fine for most.


The resolution is not random, it is the maximum resolution I can do (without much tinkering). In the future I'll try to implement something close to what you request. Cheers!


Hey  bro, I really like the generator you made. Really top class. I would like to know if there is any chance of making this a unity package or an open source git repo for the source code so that other implementations can be made of it? 


Unity is not my thing, and the source code in Haxe will be made available later when I decide I don't want to keep working on it. In case you are interested in the hatching (not dungeons) there is a post about how it works.


No worries bro. Whenever or if ever you do decide to release the source code. I won't mind having a look at it. I use Unity myself. I just thought if the source code is available I could attempt to convert it into a unity package. 
In the meantime I'll be looking at the link you sent and this Haxe thingy.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I downloaded a map in JSON format by pressing J, and then tried opening it up in RPG Map Editor II, and it doesn't draw any walls. Do you think this is an issue with One Page Dungeon, or with RPG Map Editor II? I believe it might have something to do with the "really big update" RPG Map Editor II just received.

Hm... indeed. As far as I remember I didn't change anything about exporting and those jsons still work with Mipui, so yeah, it looks like it's Map Editor's issue.


you know how your able to kinda customize the size and what type of buildings you have in the medieval fantasy city generator would you be able to add something like that to one page dungeon where you can choose the size of the dungeon and other stuff like how close the rooms are, if you want a lot of corridors or if you want circular room



First, sorry about my English, I'm using the google translator.

Secondly, I have to say that I am really impressed by your work.
I started programming last month,  so I still have a lot, a lot, to learn. So when I see your projects I get instantlyfascinated, great work!

The thing is: due to the quarantine, my friends and I are going to make an online role playing table and your tools helped me a lot to build the campaign. But this specific tool will not be used for our current session because it is not possible to select the number of rooms and, as much as I refresh I cannot find one that resembles my initial idea.. And I know I'm taking advantage of your goodwill, forgive me for that, but if you added the option of selecting the number of rooms and dragging them afterwards this tool would be one of the most incredible things that has ever appeared in the world of rpg. As I am still a beginner in programming I do not know if it is very difficult to leave the current version for one with the suggestions I gave, but your work motivated me to go after it and find out how it is done. Anyway thank you very much for these tools they are excellent.

Eventually this generator will get customization (but not editing) options. Meantime you can try one of the editors mentioned in description. Or any other editor of course, I am not advertising :)



This is a lot of fun! The ability to toggle off and on a lot of the things makes these very useful to edit myself later. Thanks for the generator



If it is not too much hassle, I would appreciate an option to toggle on/off those little "corner triangles" and the cracks.

Ty for your work!


I will consider it. Probably I should hide them along with the "props"...


Anyone know of a  simple map maker that I can fully control?

It depends on what "simple" means for you. Both editors mentioned in the description are simple (to use) enough.

I'm seeing an error that reads " refused to connect."

Most likely it's something on your side or probably an itch's error. Please try clearing the cache.


Yeah, I figured it out. It was a VPN issue. Thanks. 


I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here but where is the generator itself?


The page is the generator.  Refresh to make a new dungeon.  Hot keys to tweak what you get.


LOL. @Ogre498, Thanks!


Awesome generator! Like a lot!


This is wonderful and super excited reading the new update!
Oh, please update the controls table!

Thanks and done!


You're my savior!


This is honestly one of the best things I have ever found on the internet. Imagine how many elaborate campaigns and adventures have been enhanced or birthed by your creations! You have brought so much joy to people with these generators. Thank you so much. Any chance at a blueprint feature like the mansion? xD

Thank you!

It's not possible, of course, just to port that feature into this generator (since the algorithms are totally different), but I am looking for a way to add dungeon customization 👍


Thanks for this! It's awesome. But recently the generator has gotten very zoomed out and hard to read. ( Is it possible to restore it to how it used to be, as in the sample images?

Hey! By the look of it, there is something wrong with the zoom of your browser. Maybe you zoomed in and then refreshed the page with the scale value larger than 100%?


You know, I just now realize that it's zoomed out like that when I'm on my MacBook Pro's retina display. However when I move the browser window to my standard-resolution display and refresh, the zoom level is fine. So, it's still working! But that may be something you'll want to look into for the future. Thanks!

Ah, I see - the generator doesn't take the screen dpi into account! It will be fixed in the next update 👍


Any chance of a version that lets you independently hide individual secret rooms? I'd love to be able to use it more interactively on shared screen sessions for DnD now that everyone is staying home from COVID, but with my meager photoshop skills, it's difficult to work with just the show/hide all versions. I like the shading, but I'd have to totally turn it off to not make it obvious where the hidden rooms are in the PNGs if I'm only showing some of them, and it's tricky to be able to switch between the PNGs using a single screen (laptop) without showing all the screen share participants...


Have you tried roll20? There you can turn on fog of war, and only show stuff as their characters move around.

Yeah, I get it. I'll check how hard is it to implement.


Yo. Is there a way to change the text of the notes? This has kinda been bugging me and if there is a way please let me know


If you're exporting as json, you can edit the file in a text editor and change the text.

You won't be able to import it back, because there is no import feature. You'll see your changes if you import the json into an editor (RPG Map II or Mipui), but it's probably easier to edit notes right there.

No, you can only hide notes, not edit them. But it should be enough (hide them and write your own), shouldn't it?


true. thank you! Just making sure


Hiya, I really like this project, is it's source available on github or anywhere by any chance?


Best I could find is watabou's github repository. This isn't there, though, only some other projects.

I was going to publish the code, but now it's postponed because I keep working on the generator. It will happen eventually.


Hello! I'm throughly enjoying your generators, they make my life so much easier! But a simple question for this one, would it be possible to make it so the margin for the Shift+E export to make the margin as big/thick as a square on the map itself? To make it easier to add to a VTT without having to carefully resize it to fit in a grid. :)


Hm... That's actually how it was supposed to work, but apparently it doesn't. I'll check it.


Hey, would you ever consider making an option to do hex grid?  I know it's probably a huge pain though :(

Drawing a hex grid is probably not that hard, but it won't look good considering the fact that dungeons are aligned to a regular square grid, will it?


Kind of?  I guess it might look a bit weird.  I usually draw hex tile dungeons (because it's easier to measure circular distances that way), but that's just me =P

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for this.

It is great, but it's missing an important feature, in my opinion. Dungeon maps are usually numbered to allow writing a key for them. I know I can just write the numbers directly on the map or even just write the whole key directly on the map, but having them in that nice font, ready to go, would be great.

I also have to click a lot to get a properly interconnected dungeon and it'd be neat to be able to  choose sizes, etc, but I suspect that's out of your intended scope?

Deleted 3 years ago

I'll try to implement it. Meanwhile, what you probably need should be relatively easy to achieve in an image editor. For example in Photoshop just change the blending mode of the map layer to Multiply.

Deleted 3 years ago

It is one of the most impressive project I found till date. I love the light-and-clear view you gave to it!


Is there a possibility of exporting these as SVG?

Currently only PNG export is implemented.


any chance of an svg export in the future?

We'll see. But why would you need that? As far as I understand SVG export makes sense if you are going to do some heavy editing of a map, what is your use case?

Yes I would be editing, as well as importing it into my mapping program. But please accept my gratitude for 4 wonderful products of yours that I now use for mapping extensively - cities, city 3d (and I have worked out what I was doing wrong in importing my generated city to 3D), this dungeon, and the fantastic mansions. I have been spreading the Watabou gospel to all my mapping friends.

Cheers! :)


Shame we can't influence the generator. Of limited use for me as is. Nice, though.

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the rendering, it would be amazing to be able to use your generator to load and render our own map json!

Go check out this site

It allows you to upload these maps and then change them there :) 


Yes, I'm familiar but I'm actually wanting the opposite :)  I like Watabou's renderer.


Is this the coolest thing I've ever seen? Quite possibly.


Big fan of what you're done here! Can I get the docs for the output JSON file schema? I'd like to be able to integrate the output into my own programs. Specifically, I'm interested in the mapping between the door type integers and their semantic meaning, e.g. normal, secret, etc. Thanks!

This is not a real project to have "docs" :P 

But here is an excerpt from my code with values for different door types:

public static inline var EMPTY      = 0;
public static inline var NORMAL     = 1;
public static inline var ARCHWAY    = 2;
public static inline var STAIRS     = 3;
public static inline var PORTCULLIS = 4;
public static inline var SPECIAL    = 5;
public static inline var SECRET     = 6;
public static inline var BARRED     = 7;

Exactly what I was after. Thanks!


Hi. New account holder. Trying to use this tool, but am unable. Instructions are to click the generator first, but can't find a clickable entity. Have tried with Firefox and Chrome. Sure it's right in front of me, but I need help.


OK. Senior moment. As soon as I sent this, I discovered clicking in the box. All good now.

(1 edit) (+4)

Great! Actually, it's the best random dungeon generator i found, fix perfectly in my favorite dungeon style, beautiful. It would be nice to have some options such as the dungeon size you want to be generated and the amount of content like objects, what kind of objects you want to be generated, just like the random dungeon generator options, a small menu with a few options...


Thank you for the amazing software. "R" seems not to be working for me though.
Also, would it be possible to have (on the map) an annotation of the different "signs"? (stairs, downstairs, doors, tables, barrels, etc)

How does it look? Are they always axis-aligned or always tilted?

In most cases pages are too crowded as they are, not sure if I'll be able to squeeze a legend. And in some cases  it may be quite long:!


Sorry for the super late reply. I think maybe it could be something like a number, like you did for the city 2D maps and then the legend of those numbers could be writen elsewere on the page, outside the map itself. (Sorry for my bad english, I don't know if it makes any sense). As for the look question, to be honest I do not really have an answer, but what I "see" in my mind it's a number just at the bottom right for exemple (but i could be at another positon) of the object that is anoted, or maybe right in the middle of the object.


Is it possible to make our own maps from scratch using this generator?

No, but you can export it in RPG Map editor II and then edit or create something new ther.

How can I do it?


It may be impossible to achieve, but room numbering traditionally increases with distance from the entrance. 


In the current version rooms are ordered clockwise around the center of a map (not randomly). I'm not sure about distance from the entrance, but I'll try to implement something more intuitive than the current way.


Love it. Could you add maybe small items like barrels and tables and such for the those bad at dungeon interior design?


Thank you. There are barrels in the current version (they look like small round crates) and I'm planning to add more objects e.g. tapestries and basins. It's not hard, but I can't spawn too many of them without making silly mistakes like placing beds in a vault or tables and chairs in the central chamber of a temple. Currently the generator doesn't know what kind of dungeon it generates and what is the purpose of each room, but this may change in the future.


Cool! Thanks for the response. I'll be looking forward to seeing how much more awesome this will become.


Absolutely wonderfully crafted, one of the most beautiful map generators I have seen. I'm not a coding genius, and don't take this to harshly, but would it  be possible to toggle  the size of the dungeon. Anyway, beggars  can't be choosers so I guess I'll be making me own massive dungeons.      


This is beautifully done. Love the art style and the generator.

This is beautiful. Well done :)

Are you any closer to releasing the source code. As its running in the browser, is it javascript?


I am interested in the idea of a real world town layout and building generator, old school, perhaps Georgian to begin with. Start with say approximate 100 m edge square block, 1 hectare, with terrace houses around edge, approx 60 houses to this block. 1Br 14,2Br 19,3Br 10, 4Br 10, 5+Br 7 (this is real world distribution). A few other parameters, and then view it in 3D.  Cheers.

Are these assets 100% Royalty Free for commercial use?

If CC then who do we credit? Thanks.

(1 edit) (+2)

This is amazing! The most beautiful procedurally generated map tool I've seen. It's great that you can import these maps to RPG Map editor II, Mipui, etc, but would you consider implementing a solution for importing JSON files etc from manual grid mappers (such as those mentioned above), so that people can make their own maps, using such tools, and then use your One Page Dungeon generator to make them  look this stunning?

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