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I like it, but there is truly no actual advantage of playing a class that isn't the Fighter.


What kind of advantage are you talking about? Do you think Monk and Warlock are weaker than Fighter or they are less fun to play? Because actually I think they are stronger, but also require more attention.


hi Watabou, i have really similar impression of the game to be fair. i do understand the advantages of the monk (and ive finished the game with the monk my first time), but i don't really see the strenghts of a warlock, only a kinda gimmicky difference of having a charmed enemy at the starting hand. maybe im missing something?

also shift-clicking on a phone isn't really an option...


oh, found the warlock stats in the comments.

oh, you speak russian... whatever, its too awkward to change language after two responses....


Cool concept and execution! :)

Deleted post

decently cool . love this game.


Pretty addictive honestly.  Very cool concept and gameplay.


This game is amazing, easily the most innovative game I have seen in :O

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh wow, this is so similar to a physical game I have made inspired by Card Crawl. Spooky! Love it though, tough as nails


Some helper stuff for classes:

- Maximum health is 8 instead of 10
- Starts with a charmed imp
- Charmed monsters do 1dmg more
- "Heal" restores 1hp to all charmed monsters

- Maximum health is 12 and maximum hunger is 6 (instead of 7)
- Food restores 1hp
- When doesn't have "armor points" his unarmed damage is 2 instead of 1


This game is amazing!

Simple and strategic, yet pretty difficult. Very addictive!

It has potential for more variety and levels. 

I completed the game with all three players. Would definitely play again if there is an update. :)


Very cool game. It took me a bit to figure out, but I eventually managed to win using all three classes, although their pros/cons are still not entirely clear to me.

I wish there was a way to turn down/off the rather loud sounds and music.


Very addictive and fun game. Planned to play it for 5 minutes, ended up doing over 30 minutes. Very cool minimalistic graphic style, it's unexpected how much gameplay emerges out of such a simple combination of mechanics.


Thank you! I haven't yet given up the idea of making a real game out of it :)


It may seem simple at first with so little variety of cards, but there's a lot of possibilities and strategies to play by! Amazing!


fun but you starve to quickly


I swear there must be many rougue -like players who wanted this kind of game . Rogue with Card!


i really like this game


please make it downloadable


its downloadable if you are using the desktop app


this is dangerously addictive


Great game!

It's so cool how  a few simple rules can make such a great game!


I love it! This should get more attention as it's and excellent game. 


Excellent little game!  I've been playing it for a few months and enjoy seeing the new character options.


Win it with monk! Great ending, thanks!


Really looks like Hand of Fate :). Love this kind of game


This is great. If this had a little more variety and depth, it would become one of my goto mobile games.


After playing this a bunch more I just realised this has a lot of qualities of solitaire. It's short, card-based, and somewhat based on the luck of the way the cards were dealt. Really enjoy it.


Totally love this game! Will it be brought to mobile device by any chance?


That was one of my absolute favorites of the whole 7DRL Challenge 2018, I hope that more people will play and rate it (which is the reason I wrote an article about it and uploaded a playthrough video :) ). I can't wait to see how you'll develop it from here. I can see myself totally play it for hours if it'd feature some more spells, traps, enemies and what not. A little suggestion though: I'd love to see a short explanation for each card somewhere, because for me it wasn't totally clear what for example the "Terror" spell would do when I use it.

Anyway, it's a wonderful card game with just the right amount of resource management elements! You've done some great work and I wish you the best of luck with your (future) projects - can't wait to see more games made by you. :)

Best wishes,

(1 edit) (+1)

Any chance for an android version ? Would be a great time killer

Oh it's been asked before, an android build would be great !

Даже умудрился пройти попытки с пятой, что ли. Так и не понял, как использовать карту Rest. Ещё желательно, чтобы подсказка всплывала при наведении на карту, а не при нажатии. А то так используешь карту и не понимаешь, что она вообще делала. Описание одного из спеллов, точно не помню какого, уходит за края экрана. Ну и вообще вся игра на экран не помещается (разрешение 1366x768 - стандартное для ноутбуков), приходится туда-сюда скроллить. Но в целом вполне положительные впечатления. Одна из лучших игр с последнего 7drl, по крайней мере из тех, с которыми успел ознакомиться.

Существует фуллскрин. Существуют описания всех карт (Shift). Rest пока одна из самых бесполезных - превращает сытость в хп.

Изначально я накидал тех заклинаний, которые мне сразу пришли в голову еще до тестирования и балансировки. Потом я заменил Экзекьют на Вэниш и теперь действительно Рест - самое бесполезное заклинание на данный момент, но придет и его черед :)

Да, в правом нижнем углу есть кнопка фулскрина, она должна помочь (в полноэкранном режиме игра  пытается подстроиться под то разрешение, которое ей дают, в том числе на андроидах). "Сообщения" могут действительно не влезать, но настоящие подсказки отображаются по шифт-клику и с ними должно быть все нормально.


Ended up hacking it to get to the end (I'm probably too impatient).

Lot's of fun, thanks!

- Если пройти игру, пока играет трек победы в прошлой игре, треки наложатся.


A little bit too random but works really well. You should add more powerup between plays, something like "unlockable" cards that can provide new challenges :D

finally I was able to complete this game :D pure luck, but funny :D

- Карта приручённого моба не обновляет значение атаки при получении героем нового уровня.
- Если очень быстро жмякнуть на две карты, и в первой из них окажется моб, он не успеет ударить. (Можно сделать чит-скрипт, нажимающий на все карты сразу без получения урона)

Спасибо, оба бага уже исправлены в моей рабочей версии (не на 100% процентов уверен насчет второго), скоро выложу. Прирученных мобов все равно собираюсь переделать, там как-то неинтуитивно сейчас.


Starving to death more than I'd like


What!? This is a ton of fun. I'm coming back to this one lots and playing it. It works quite well on my Android too.


this is just as challenging and fun as pixel dungeon! keep it up my dudeee

Any sort of statistic tracking planned?

(1 edit)

Are you talking about things like a number of enemies killed, cards revealed, food eaten or just a score? The former doesn't have much meaning in the current version of the game (imo) and the latter is not implemented. But I'm considering ways to expand it and a bigger game will definitely need something like this.


I mean either a score or, even more practical maybe, win/loss ratio, average xp level, and average depth reached.  I find the cutesy stats like number of monsters killed, cards played, etc. pretty meaningless.


This game is difficult, but really fun!

any possibility that an Android version will come up?

I'll try to build a native Android version, but it will look very close to how the current html version looks on Android.


You can't (easily) shift-click on Android.  A long press, or better yet a second area like the discard with a question mark on it would be nice.

(1 edit) (+5)

I haven't starved to death this much since Rogue.


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