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How about regen town, with the water present?  so you can get a more populated town with the same river or less populated..


Actually, something like that is already implemented: press Shift+ENTER to regenerate a village on the same terrain and with the same highway.


It will be great, if you add this command in description))


I really like it! If future updates are planned, it would be cool to be able to choose the village's population ourselves, I like how the population is proportionate to the number of houses, which is a problem I ran into with the Fantasy City Generator's integration with Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator. It would also be cool if some features from the city generator were included in this one, like walls and markets and larger population sizes.


For walls, markets and larger population sizes, just use Medieval fantasy City generator


Well, it's a village generator, so I don't think it will work with larger settlements. Currently I'm planning to add port/dock areas and town squares (which can be treated as markets), but not walls.


Awesome! Maybe the option for towns that formed around a crossroads?


Neato update. Could also rando the river crossing, with options of bridge, ferry, and ford. Bigger villages more likely to have a bridge.


So... I cannot save the image with "Save Image As...", probably due to a bug like this. Please add a hot key to download the image.

Yeah, I'm going to add PNG export in the next update. Meanwhile you can try another browser, this should work at least in Chrome and Opera. And of course there is an option of taking a screenshot.





maybe some labels for unique buildings--?? like temples, town halls, etc? could help .. make it optional ofc


From the post:

...So right after finishing with water bodies I intend to switch to POI/note generation to have taverns, shops, houses of interesting people marked on the map. The idea is still pretty vague though...



This is so good! I'm curious how the population is calculated though - it seems generally high for the number of buildings. 


Don't take these number too seriously:

To be honest, it was added mostly to make images look more like maps, less like some sort of diagrams :)

On average there are about 6 people per building (a reasonable number for a medieval settlement), but it's chosen randomly for each map.


It generated a place called Butter Trump, lol


This is absolutely brilliant. Any chance to get an export as SVG or transparent PNG or even as GeoJSON shapes? (you knew I'd ask that, right?)


There definitely will be some kind of export, probably all 3 kinds. I'd like to see how it looks in City Viewer, so I am an interested party :)


Really appreciate the inclusion of the population count in the legend. I often need a map for a village of a known size, and this is helpful.


To be honest, it was added mostly to make images look more like maps, less like some sort of diagrams :)


Seems like there should be a check to ensure villages with an actual population, lol.


still fun to see this got generated :)

(1 edit) (+3)

From the update:

...In my opinion they happen not often enough to be a nuisance, but I expect that with time we'll get tired of them and then I'll implement a trivial fix: "create another village until its population is larger than zero".

...and from Twitter:

I should probably fix empty roads, but allow depopulated or completely deserted towns (with some buildings still standing)

The generate villages don't look real. They are way too "planned".

  1. It looks like the roads are built first, the buildings next. This is never the case for small villages like the ones generated. The roads should be built to fit in the buildings.
  2. Small villages (<30 buildings) should not have roads through them.
  3. The buildings are too sparsely distributed. For a village of population around 500, I would expect them to walk inside the village on foot. They tend to cluster like a circle, even on both sides of the river.

Additionally, they also tend to cluster around a significant resource - perhaps the big house of the founder, or a natural well, or (later) a church or other fortification. Perhaps take a melded approach - generate the minimal population founding settlement (by one set of rules), then expand on that with some organic (different) rules.


I don't agree, maybe in some areas villages look like that, but mainly villages are built on both sides of a trade road, with additional small roads going perpendicular. So exactly the same as Oleg did in this generator.


Well, a "trade road" is a significant resource (a source of passing traffic), so we're both correct.


I agree that these villages are not extremely realistic (post), but for different reasons. My goal was to generate "interesting" maps, as a result some details on the same map can be more appropriate for towns, others - for villages.

The things you mention as wrong make me think you imagine something like a bunch of houses connected by a spaghetti of trails tightly packed within a small area? Maybe some early villages looked like that, Vikings or something. Not sure as it's not my period. I am more familiar with medieval settlements and they were my reference, although modern villages are not much different. A typical small village looked like a crossroads with important buildings (a church, an inn, a manor house, a mill) either at the center, or at the end of those roads. The streets didn't need to be exactly "planned" (although some villages and towns were actually planned, it was not that rare) to be perpendicular - it's a quite natural layout, especially if houses are backed by crofts.


I'm familiar with villages in developing countries like in India. They are usually formed over time one house at a time (what I mean by "not planned"). It's like spaghetti, as you mentioned.


You're assuming a village created back in time when people would actually walk into the wilderness and start building stuff. So, sure, for anything before the  late 1800s? or medieval fantasy worlds, but not for the modern day. These days the road always comes first, and if it didn't houses will be destroyed to make way for the roads.


Phenomenal. I support you already but might even give a little more because of this. I'd love to see: 1) SVG export 2) Show "Fields" 3) Options for water (stream, shore, etc.)


  • Options for water - definitely (post)
  • SVG export - very likely
  • Fields - unlikely. For generating such details as crofts, communal pastures, hedges etc. I would have to make some assumptions about culture, technological level, social structure, but for now I'd like to make this generator as "setting-agnostic" as possible. This may change in the future.
(1 edit) (+4)

This is so great. I have always used your medieval village generator for medeval rpg campaigns, but I could never use it for mor modern settings. Thank you!


That is some great work! Do you plan on expanding it to the same level of fidelity as the City gen?


Well, I plan on expanding it to at least some level :)

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