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i open it up and the first neighborhood that gets generated is "pig forge". 10/10


hi, idk maybe someone asked this question, but is there a way to access the last style you're showing in the images? the east gardens one? because toggling 5 triggers the one before that (for me at least). I absolutely LOVE this tool btw

(1 edit)

It's a random one, so to get something close to it you either need to reroll a style many times (press 0) or pick colors from that image and assign their values in the Style dialog (manually). Either way don't forget to save the style for later!

ah! thank you so much!


Hey there, i have just started to use your generators and i absolutely love them! I was wondering (as someone with no expertise in those areas whatsoever) if you are thinking about merging your City and Neighbourhood Generators at some point, or maybe give the opportunity to import generated cities in here to be converted? I am certain that this would be a quite a challenge and i understand the intention of having seperate tools for seperate reasons, but i would love to hear about your opinion on that.

Additionally i wanted to ask about the possiblility to manually create a part of an area, outline places to be filled by the generator and letting it on from there? As i often have a specific area in mind i would love a way to fill in the suroundings (e.g. a square marketplace with two small roads coming off in the north and the main road leading through the center from west to east)

Really looking forward to what you will come up next!

Sorry, just noticed your comment. 

I don't think the city and neighbourhood generators will be merged (not anytime soon anyway) but while working on both of them I try to transplant ideas and solutions which seem good from one to another. I am going to remake districts in the city generator and it will probably become possible to "open" them in the neighbourhood generator (similar to opening towns and dungeons from Perilous Shores).

In the next update of this generator I am planning to make it possible to specify the neighbourhood outline by manually drawing it. That's not exactly what you are asking about, but somewhat close.


Eagerly looking forward to that "specify neighborhood outline" feature (for the same reasons outlined bySolidRefrigerator507)! 


Being able to open districts from the city generator in the neighbourhood generator would be fantastic!


Hello, Oleg. So, i have an idea for 1.1.1, trainstations, like train rails, stations and crossroads for the neighborhoods.


Really cool.


Thank you for this really useful tool.  On my wish list I would like a warp mode, like the City tool, and the ability to select certain features to be present, like a square, or church.

Cheers! Implementing a warp mode exactly like in the city generator is not possible here, but I'll probably add the ability to draw (or edit) the outline of a neighbourhood. You can request a square by selecting the "square" tag in the Tags dialog.


Good to know - thank you!


Is there any way of connecting streets?

You mean like there are two unconnected streets and you want them to be connected? No, currently there is no way to edit anything here (except the name).


I think it'd be cool! Obviously it's awesome already though ☺️


What would be AMAZING is if this design could be incorporate dinto the city generator. That would look lovely!


As much as I love your other tools and use them regularly, I find this one PARTICULARLY charming and wonderful. It gives a texture and granularity to our spontaneous/dynamic world-sketching that makes responding to unexpected in-game player choices so much more satisfying and "believable".  "What's on the other side of that gate?" ... a neighborhood! DEEELIGHTFUL!!  Thank you for creating and sharing this with us!!


Any chance you can remove the lines within the roof ? Also, it would be nice if all of your generators would allow flat roofs for modern/sci-fi map generation... Would seriously patreon just for that !

I considered making those lines optional here (but not in the Village Generator) and I'll probably do it.


Love the Light Amount, very cool. The roof color variance is great too. Great job.


Perhaps add a large building as the town hall, a peculiar one as the church and a few small stores in the squares to simulate a market....

It is a fabulous job.


did you think you could develop something that in a way or another is similar to Doskvol (blades in the dark ttrpg) map?


For my untrained eye these neighbourhoods look pretty similar to Doskvol districts as they are. What do you think they are lacking? Apart from canals and rivers.


(sorry for my english).
First of all I want to say thanks for your fantastic work. 
I've discovered your work when years ago I started playing Pixel Dungeon; I spent so many hours playing it and when I finally ended it was fantastic. I started playing when the King of Dwarfs was the last boss and continued playing for years.

Said that... emh... the missing of Canals and rivers are pretty important :D
Also the size of the map is a big pieces that I miss;
and the last thing is the size of the "block", there is a lot of "inner space"/garden/internal courtyard that aren't in the architectural style of Doskvol. 

thanks anyway for your code, is wonderful, and again, thanks for the fantastic time you entertained me with your game.


I hope it stays standalone- I really like it and it serves a purpose


Its fantastic! I really really like it. 


Awsome! I like it a lot. so very usefull.


this is really cool. keep up the great work watabou!


This is awesome! Especially because I just got a neighborhood named "Chicken Place". :)

Thanks for another cool generator!


We need more development!! Haha it's amazing how you always bring us some interesting ideas. I'm always curious to see what's next


Yep, this is one of the Reasons why you should be more famous, The amazing work you do!!!


Recursive bisection, with curved streets. A simple yet brilliant idea that produces excellent results that look very organic. I really like some of the chaotic sprawl shapes you get with the more dense "X" areas, the unrestrained and unanticipated growth of inner cities.


Great work. Can see that as being very useful. Perhaps link a ward in MFCG to this generator (like linking city symbol in perilous lands to MFCG).


your work is amazing!  my campaigns would be lost without it!

After I used your city generator, I build on top of it with GIMP to create a full immersive experience

(2 edits) (+1)

Nice! I do the same thing but using PSP instead of GIMP. Really like those fields. A tip for your water is to just color the area blue and then overlay a semi-transparent png on top of it with water/wave textures. Something like this just as an example (hard to tell, but that is semi-transparent and will pick up your color underneath it. But there are larger, better quality ones out there (that was a lazy google search result. haha).


Once again, awesome work mate!




Love it! I see so many uses for this, and especially to provide some context for any one-house-dungeon, regardless of it being in a city, town or village. Splendid work, as always!


As others have said, would be great to see this work with MCG. Even if not, I'd hate to see this never get developed further.

Where it could really fit well is with the Village Generator. I think it would mesh very well if you can add these styles and level of street detail to the VG (and the density would fit well for a "large" village).


Really great! Are the boundaries for neighborhoods compatible with the ones in the city generator?  In other words, are you half-way toward being able to click on a city ward and get a detailed neighborhood map?


This would be a GREAT feature! 2nd this.

(1 edit)

The neighbourhood generator won't be a part of the city generator, but I'll try to take as much as possible from the former to improve the latter. In fact city maps are not less detailed as such, they just look more crude…


It's all great, I look forward every month to everything new!

(1 edit) (+2)

Always amazing and inspiring!  I never even knew I needed this generator and now I've seen it, it's obvious that I do!  As others have said, it would be amazing if integrated with MFCG if that's your plan?  But even stand alone it's so useful.  I am absolutely positive you already have heaps of ideas/plans for where to go next with this but if you need more please ask... :-) Regardless of what you do next with this I know it will be incredible!


Another marvelous generator! cheers!


Wow! This is magnificent. Astounding! Nice generator.
Would it be possible to select the types and shapes and sizes of buildings? And frequencies? Beautiful! 

Thank you. There is little I can do with the shape of buildings, but I will probably make it possible to adjust their size.

(1 edit) (+3)

Really like this, would love to see it incorporated into your city generator to really fill out the app. I also like it as a stand alone, if I need a small area to set a D&D one off inside.


Love the idea of using this to generate intelligible sections of a large metropolis (labels of connected boroughs with arrows at edges


Amazing, love all your stuff. I can't wait to see your next projects.


Damn. I love your generators! 


Really nice.


thank you!!!


Thx for sharing your sketchbook with us.


You're so prolific and inspirational!


Very cool. Thanks for sharing.

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